When we got there, the nurses that admitted us were shocked when they heard we were sent home from the same hospital the first time. They even had Chris point out the nurses' from some pictures.
The doctor did an ultrasound and we saw the Skyler was low on amniotic fluid (a 4, I think normal is 10-20);. But I wasn't dilated or in labor. That was a relief. Also, his heart beat was in the normal range. They told me I could stay in the hospital until I gave birth.
A NICU doctor came in to talk to me and I thought it was just going to be about the NICU. Instead, it was the person who was supposed to be the bearer of bad news. Most of it I had already heard at the other hospital, but for some reason it hit me a lot harder because I wasn't expecting it. She told me the run down: They didn't intervene until 24 weeks (Yes, I had my baby at 23 weeks and 2 days and they did intervene.) Even if I make it to 24 weeks, there is a 20 percent chance of survival and a 50 percent chance that he would have issues like being blind and deaf, have cerebral palsy etc. Oh and there was one detail she did tell me about the NICU-- the baby was likely to stay in there until his actual due date, mine was May 11. After that joyful talk, the doctor came back in to ask me what I wanted to do. Apparently you have a choice that you can induce labor right then. I was still 22 weeks along. I told her I did not want to do that and I wanted to be aggressive in doing what we could to save the baby.
Chris and I the day after I gave birth.
Chris and his family were so awesome, that night they all came and threw me a Birthday party in the hospital room. They made dinner and we had Costco chocolate cake--It was so good. Chris gave me a necklace. It has a big heart and a little heart on the bottom of it. The big one is the mom and the small one is the baby. On the curve of the necklace it says, "Love grows in a mother's heart." He wrote me a card that said, no matter what happened, I was already a great mom. And that he was proud of me. It still makes me cry just thinking about it-- And I have worn that necklace every day since.
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